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GCS type low voltage withdrawable switchgear

GCK, GCL series low-voltage withdrawable switchgear

MNS low-voltage withdrawable switchgear

GGD AC low-voltage power distribution cabinet switch equipment

XL-21 Power Distribution Box

PZ30 power distribution box

YB series prefabricated substation

KSDPF series transmission equipment power distribution cabinet
The KSDPF series of transmission equipment power distribution cabinets (hereinafter referred to as precision power cabinets) are used in the IT server cabinet power distribution management system of the data center computer room. It is a power distribution cabinet for comprehensive collection of all energy data at the end of the data center. The terminal energy monitoring system provides high-precision measurement data, reflects the power quality data in real time through the display unit, and uploads it to the background control system through RS485 or SNMP communication to achieve real-time monitoring of the entire power distribution system and effective management of operating quality.

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